Monday, March 28, 2011









語言:粵語,  曲長:0m0s
作曲:柳重言,  編曲:
監製:,  填詞:林振強 
結伴創將來 多麼的美
你的路 我的途 再也不分己與彼
有浪有風來 不捨不棄 每一明天也贈你

未懂占卦 也不懂命理
卻可先知我們 同步註定了不起
若我不普通 變得堅毅無忌

每望向將來 都找到你
我所夢 我所期 全部喝彩因你起
你是我將來 不捨不棄 我的明天創自你

沒仰天觀星 看星宿日記
無問獅子雙魚 前面有沒有驚喜
一早知 幾多風吹與飛
活著也很快樂 自尋到你

天佑我的愛人 給她永遠笑聲 並常對她偏愛
天佑我的愛人 有她不再覺得生命無奈 敢愛

未懂占卦 也不懂命理
卻可先知我們 同步註定了不起
(若)我不普通 變得堅毅無忌

天佑我的愛人 這日 明天 一世 把她寵愛
天佑我的愛人 有她不再覺得生命無奈 敢愛*

你是我將來 不捨不棄


Friday, March 25, 2011

Pet !!

Never have my own pet in life. My father and brother are likely to have pet. They always breed different kind of animals in home. But you know man ah, we like to have pet but not take care of it. (Same like having gf) So mum always complain about having pet. Cause she is the one who taking care, haha...

When I was kid, we have a dog. A black mongrel, and I dun think he had name. According to mum, becoz of him, my leg is full of scar bitten by flea. Then he was sent into exile. Sad (~_~)

We once have aquarium for few years. Gold fish, blood parrot, etc. All didn't last for a year. My lil bro always give them too much to eat. At least they die with full stomach la not like the exiled dog. During the process of changing aquarium's water, my bro accidentally fall on the aquarium and few nerve of his hand been cut. From tat day, mum banned fish in home.

Now my house still hav 2 turtles and 1 female dog, Bubu. All by my lil bro, but take care by father. The turtles are very pity, their home is always dirty till I can't c them. I personally dun like turtle, they can't talk and quite smelly...

The 2 pity turtles
Oh, and 2 silly rabbits too. Female one give birth 2 times but none of her bb survive, and she die of difficult birth. Male one killed by Bubu. Even though Bubu didn't confess, but we know is him. Killer...

Bubu... Look scary right?!
I like cat a lot. My neighbor has a cat that always comes to my house. He is very fat. Every time I touch his head he will lay down and let me touch his stomach too! Lovely!

My dream pet is golden retriever and husky. Now i may got chance to adopt a 3 years old male golden retriever. Hope I can really adopt it. Hope my family can accept him. And hope Bubu don't bully him. I want to have my 1st pet!!

Cute golden retriever pup!
Handsome husky

Thursday, March 24, 2011


今天一连听了几段有关感情的故事,心中有点寂寂然。现在年轻人的情感控制真的太... 不懂怎么说。

我常说:“音乐没有对错,只有好不好听之分;感情也没有对错,只在于处理态度是否正确。” 身为男人,我明白男人都比女人花心。我的意思不是一脚踏两船,这种我接受不到。大多男人是视觉动物,都喜欢欣赏美丽的东西。就算有了另一半,也难免会对其他美女投以眼光,这很正常。


今天情急之下,顺口胡乱掰了个谬论:“爱一个人,他一定至少有一点是最吸引你的。如果你找不到,那证明你不够爱他。这就是感情的基础。” 亮丽的外表永远不会是感情的基础。天外有天,没有人是最漂亮的,以貌取人的最不可信。



Monday, March 21, 2011


After all the bad things happen last week, now, I'm recover from all the suffer.

First thing, my car is repaired. Very impress about the workmanship. The workshop technician use only one day to done the repair job. My car is look like brand new now, like nothing happen before. Most important is the price is reasonable, RM 500. Other people quote me RM 850, luckily I choose to repair near my house. Convenient and cheaper. Tomorrow will pay out RM 750 to the car owner that I bumped into. All things settle.

Second thing, will head to Australia Gold Coast instead of Tokyo next week. Even though I may forfeit my complimentary air ticket by Sunway Pyramid. Don't care le. Spent amount is the same. HAHA... Can't wait to enjoy cup of coffee by the Gold Coast seaside...

That's all for now... Night...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My 1st Time...

After Japan trip spoiled, today another bad thing happen on me... My car crashed.

This is my 1st car accident after more then 10 years of driving experience. Before this, I used to proud that my drive is quite safe. But after today, I doubt. It was my fault, I didn't notice the car driving along the main road. I came out and banged her.

Lucky both of us uninjured. Both cars in minor damaged. It takes hundreds to repair my car and I have to compensate another hundreds for her car's repair also.

I have a thought that problem that can settle by money is not a big problem. So, this is just a costly experience to me. I still have my love one's support, my friend's caring and my family's helps.

I just hope that my car can repaired as soon as possible. And to all driver, please drive safe especially during rainy day.

Hope it was just a nightmare but it wasn't. Please allow me to spread the negative energy among the air. I need some times to recover. I'll be back soon!! Pray~~

Monday, March 14, 2011


Very sad to hear that Japan is suffering...
Very sad to say that my Tokyo trip is spoil...

Trip that planned half year before, but suddenly all gone...
No one know how much this trip meant to me...

But I shouldn't be selfish,
I shouldn't make my wife feel anxious,
I shouldn't ignore about my safety...

How can I recover from broken heart?
How soon Japan recover from what happen?

I'm praying,
praying for the suffered people;

I'm praying,
praying for my next plan will go smooth.

I know you might be angry about us;
I know we did lot of wrong things towards you,
But we start our effort to take care of you now,
I know it maybe a bit late;
I know it might seem nothing to you,
But at least we are trying now.

Please don't be furious;
Please forgive us.

Sorry, Earth...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What a "Roller-Coaster-Feel" Day (~_~)

Going off to Tokyo soon! Lot of thing still not settle, even our visa haven't approve yet. OMG, if application fail how?

Lot of friend give us suggestion and advise. We are very appreciate. The one I thank the most is my Japanes language teacher Mr Sakiyama-san. The time since he know I'll go for Tokyo trip, he help me a lot. Even sometimes I didn't ask for help (cause my Japanese speaking is terrible!) He voluntary help me to look for hotel, survey the sakura blooming season, where should I go for a look, and even lend me two jacket! Can get him to be my teacher I feel I'm extremely lucky. I will continue my lesson as long as he is teaching. (but please lower your fee a bit la, Ringo, haha)

Always have good teacher to guide my life since I was young. Primary BM Teacher, music coach, piano teacher, etc... So lucky, maybe because my birthday on Teacher's Day?

Noon time, so happy to have travel agent call and say the visa application is success. So I make the payment right away.

Then disaster happen. Japan is suffering tsunami. Omg, I don't know whether it's a good to travel Tokyo two weeks later. Wife is terrify. She is hesitate also. I hold the hotel booking now. But I think I will still go there as planned. Hope wife can agree with my decision.

Haiz... I don't know what to say... God bless Japan...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dream Comes True!!

We all got dreams. Even is just a small dream, but we definitely feel happy after we finally achieve it. One of my dream is to attend a John Williams's music live concert.

Attend MPO concert entitled A Tribute to John Williams last Friday. Get ticket last minute, rush to borrow batik and run to the box seat. As a result, 1st song "Superman" i didn't really enjoy that much. *gasp* "Jurassic Park" is just nice, totally the same with what i heard in CD. Personally, "Memoir of Geisha" touched me. The beautiful opening of flute solo lead my emotions. It is a perfect match with the movie stage photo shown. I love it very much, never heard of Geisha OST before.

For the "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", very disappointing that the side track "The Conversation" is not in this song arrangement. Really like the 'Conversation' between bass and high woodwind that i heard in CD. Of course, the other hot list like "Star Wars", "Indiana Jones", "Hook", "Harry Potter" is played that night too.

"ET" brings me lots of memory. I saw the movie re-mastered in cinema few years ago. Even the movie is same age with me (Drew Barrymore still a kid that time), but the message inside movie is still powerful. 'I'll be right here', say ET. Tear in my eyes...

What most surprise me is the encore song "1941". This is also the best play by MPO that night. May be this is not John Williams's famous for other people, but i like it the most. The powerful brass section finally released and bring impact to me. Haha, i like the brassy sound.

Among all John Williams's works, my all times favorite is "Far and Away" (Star by Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman). His cross over with 'The Chieflains' is the reason I like the most. The arrangement is totally different with what we used to hear in other John Williams works. Luckily I still get the chance to own this original OST, bought by cousin when she went US. Thanks.

I used to dream of attending a concert with all John William music played. (Of course, I also dream of playing together on stage). Now the dream really comes true after years of waiting. So, guys, never let go of your dream. You won't know when your dream will come true. Important is you need to be prepare all the times. Chance will just go off when you not in standby mode.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I May Not Look Dumb... But I Hope I Am Sam...

I like to watch movie, all kind of movie. Action, fantasy, historic, love story, anything... My 2 years study in Hanxing Academic of Broadcasting and Journalism increase my knowledge of film making. It's also boost up my interest in watching movie.

I Am Sam Poster

"I am Sam" is release some years ago. Story telling is in slow pace but it is touching. I love the main acting star in the movie, Sean Pean and Dakota Fanning. This movie is about how Sean Pean as a father, Sam, whose has only 5-years-old IQ, and he has a intelligent daughter starring by Dakota Fanning. As daughter grow up, she surpass her father mental ability. It makes she feel shame among her friend, and finally social worker take her away.

Sam find his way to hire a lawyer in order to get back the custody of his daughter. Then, things happen... Don't want to reveal the ending. If interested, can look for it yourself la...

Sean Pean in "I Am Sam"
Dakota Fanning in "I Am Sam"

I like this film, main reason is the acting of Sean Pean is perfect. He got nominated in Oscar as best actor. And Dakota win several prize as the best young performer. I remember one scene, Sean Pean go visit her daughter whose is living in a foster house. Dakota scold him for not look for her for a long time, she keep punching her father and cry. And i cry too... Even though Sean can't express his love to his daughter clearly, but still can feel that in his heart, his daughter is the most precious in his life.

If you can understand my writing, then obviously your IQ is better than 5-years-old IQ. But how come sometimes we can't express our love to our family, our couple, our friend clearly? Even Sam know what is the most valuable in his life and he treasure it whole-heartily. We always neglect ours in life and feel regret in future...

Have you hug your love one today?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Need

Read a book entitled "5 love language" few years back. But it's still a great impact to me now. the synopsis as below:

~ With more than 30 years of experience as a marriage counselor, Dr. Gary Chapman has heard it all. He has helped couples at every stage of marriage and at pivotal points in their relationships—from those just discovering the joys and trial of marriage to those who are ready to call it quits.

After many years of counseling, Dr. Chapman noticed a pattern: everyone he had ever counseled had a “love language,” a primary way of expressing and interpreting love. He also discovered that, for whatever reason, people are usually drawn to those who speak a different love language than their own.

Of the countless ways we can show love to one another, five key categories, or five love languages, proved to be universal and comprehensive—everyone has a love language, and we all identify primarily with one of the five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. ~ from
5 Love Language

For me, my love language is words of affirmation. I didn't know why I need it so much until I attended a seminar last Sunday in PJ. The seminar is about children education. I don't want to touch more about it here. One thing I want to highlight is it recall my childhood.

Since young, I dare to say that I'm quite behave and smart la... But you know, Chinese always humble about their strong point, always too humble. If someone praise their child, parent will deny it immediately and say something bad to "neutralize" it. This is Chinese people habit. Don't know why.

I grown in this environment. So when I done something I'm proud of, I get nothing but criticize. it's really discouraging. From primary education, till high school, college, university, even working life now, already get used to life without affirmation. Hard to get motivation to do something extra mile.

I just hope someone can appreciate what I had done. Not mean that they must thank me or what la, but at least show that you are grateful lo. You won't know it'll means a lot to someone low self-confidence like me.

In marriage, it's important to know what your spouse's love language. Very important indeed. Try to give them what they really need, then things will go "half the work, twice the effect".